Currency Pair Volatility is the price change rate of that pair over a certain period of time, expressed as a percentage and calculated using the standard deviation or the variance between returns from that pair. Commonly the higher the volatility, the riskier the market. Here is an example table showing different currency pairs with their price changes and volatility percentage over a period of time:
Volatility Breakpoint is that point where the current market volatility breaks to continue with a new volatility percentage, knowing the position of that point on the chart can make a lot of profits.
Market experienced trades use an almost surefire trading strategy that enables them to gain large profits from high volatility currency pairs.
This strategy is described as "following the money" and it's so simple based on waiting for and recognition of a "volatility breakpoint", then harvesting a series of profitable trades will be so easy.
The software they use that can detect and take advantage of such gainful breakpoints is their secret for the success of that strategy.
Recently, the developer team of on of the most famous and successful Forex robot FxAutomater, who were the cause of many success stories of traders that used their WallStreet Forex Robot over many years, have released Forex Trend Detector EA.
This EA can let its user to trade Forex as a Pro with minimal or even no previous experience in trading with incredible profits, it has a breath taking power!
You can read more about it here:
Where you can be among the first group of traders to Trade with the Smart Money.
To keep their customers comfortable, the vendors of that EA are offering a 60-Day Unconditioned Money-Back Guarantee.
As the name suggests, Forex Combo System is a collection of several subsystems, four to be clear. The most accurate description that fits it is "four different EAs joined together". The result of such an EA could be considered "Pleasant" as you will discover this yourself after some further reading, It's an easy-to-use EA and is one of the most solid automated trading systems that I've ever seen.
WallStreet Forex Robot 3.0 Domination is a scalper EA that's not limited to the Asian session, opening positions around the clock with a fairly profitable outcome, a few indicators that are shipped with Metatrader are involved creatively, so the entry signals are determined. It has retry loops for opening/closing orders, denoting a certain degree of experience with automated live trading. Although the DLL programming is sometimes an obstacle for EAs running on multiple pairs with the same DLL, in this EA, this seems to be entirely thread-safe.
Best Free Scalper Pro is a powerful automated Forex scalping system, one of the FXAutomater family. A reputable ECN Forex broker with very tight spreads, low commissions, and minimal slippage is required as it can confirm the difference between a winning and losing trading system, especially scalping strategy ones.
Strictly ruled grid-based trading technique with safety "high frequency" scalping element.
Smart Scalper PRO is very simple, but it is based on the most proven trading principle since the markets exist – enter the market in the direction of a strong market impulse after a reasonable correction is detected.
Pips Master Pro has a Strong, pure and simple trading logic, Reasonable TP and SL levels, High spread, slippage and broker protection, Multiple currency pairs support, Low drawdown, and New, improved, highly effective exit logic.
Using Trend Matrix EA, traders can identify and profit from market trends. It offers a safe and reliable way to navigate the forex market with its Next Generation Loss Recovery System and reliable risk management tools.
Chat GPT and Gemini (developed by Google) are the two most powerful AI engines available. The Gemini AI handles real-time trading data better than Chat GPT. However, Chat GPT excels at managing complex conversation threads even though it is trained only on past data. Combining Chat GPT and Gemini AI leads to the most accurate and current trading forecasts.
AI alone, can't be reliable - a proven, solid strategy must back it up. FXAutomater deliver results that stand out with their AI-powered strategy Infinity Trader EA!
Information, charts or examples contained in this blog post are for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as an advice or endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us are registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the article. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration.
Forex Combo System WallStreet Forex Robot 3.0 Domination Omega Trend Broker Arbitrage FX-Builder Forex Diamond Volatility Factor Pro GPS Forex Robot Tick Data Suite Vortex Trader PRO Swing Trader PRO RayBOT Forex Gold Investor FXCharger Best Free Scalper Pro Gold Scalper PRO News Scope EA PRO Smart Scalper PRO FX Scalper Evening Scalper PRO Waka Waka Golden Pickaxe Perceptrader AI Happy Bitcoin Algocrat AI Traders Academy Club Quant Analyzer AlgoWizard Quant Data Manager FXAutomater InstaForex RoboForex IronFX Tickmill FXVM Alpari FX Choice TradingFX VPS Commercial Network Services QHoster GrandCapital IC Markets FBS FX Secret Club StrategyQuant X Happy Forex LeapFX Trading Academy ForexTime Magnetic Exchange XM BlackBull Markets Libertex AMarkets HFM Broker FxPro Binance ACY Securities IV Markets MTeletool Forex Store Valery Trading Telegram Signal Copier EGPForex
Forex trading can involve the risk of loss beyond your initial deposit. It is not suitable for all investors and you should make sure you understand the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary.
Forex accounts typically offer various degrees of leverage and their elevated profit potential is counterbalanced by an equally high level of risk. You should never risk more than you are prepared to lose and you should carefully take into consideration your trading experience.
Past performance and simulated results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. All the content on this site represents the sole opinion of the author and does not constitute an express recommendation to purchase any of the products described in its pages.