A trend is simply a tendency, a market movement direction, and is considered as one of the most essential concepts in technical analysis. Any technical analysis tool used by an analyst has only one purpose, which is to help to identify the market trend. The Forex trend meaning is very much similar to its general meaning - just the direction in which the market moves. But the difference is that the foreign exchange market not like other markets, it moves in a characterized way by series of zigzags, like successive waves that have clear peaks and troughs or as they are often called highs and lows.
Trend trading is one of the oldest classic trading strategies and is now taking its rightful. Its strong logic suggests it keep its relevance among traders around the world in the future. It has three main very logical strong but simple principles:
The trend following strategy application is compatible with trades on various timeframes, but medium and long-term trading has the highest rate of protection accuracy and lowest risk value, where the long-lasting trends are considered strong ones. Swing and position traders whose trading depends on predicting the future market movement direction would greatly prefer using trend trading. Also, scalpers and day traders catch trends, but more precisely in weaker and very short-lived ones, a form of fluctuations within the main big trend.