Technical indicators are calculations based on a security price and volume. They are used both to confirm the trend and the chart patterns' quality and to help to determine the buy and sell signals. They can be applied separately to form buy and sell signals, or used together in addition to chart patterns and price movement.

Technical analysis indicators can generate buy and sell signals through moving average crossovers and divergence. Crossovers express when price moves through the moving average or when two different moving averages cross each other. Divergence express when the price trend and the indicator trend move in opposite directions indicating weakness of the price trend direction.

Not all of the technical indicators are widely used in the Forex systems. The ones of utmost importance for developers and at least one of them is used to develop their trading strategy are the following:

  • Moving Average
  • Bollinger Bands
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI)
  • Stochastic Oscillator
  • Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
  • ADX
  • Momentum
Last Updated On: Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Easy Walker FX is a night multi-pair scalper that trades in the Asian session period during the market's minimal activity. It never uses martingale in its trading strategy but nevertheless profitable in real trading.
Currency Pairs EURUSD, EURGBP, GBPCHF and GBPUS ...
TimeFrame M15.
16 total votes.
Last Updated On: Fri, 30 Oct 2020
Forex Zeon-X PRO built-in algorithms include a combination of technical indicators with money management, broker protection module, maximum spread and slippage filters.
TimeFrame Any.
4 total votes.
Last Updated On: Tues, 13 Mar 2018
FxMath Stochastic Trader employs multiple trading strategies working together, basically the trend / swing strategy.
TimeFrame H1.
194 total votes.
Last Updated On: Fri, 12 Jan 2018
Forex Pulse Detector is a scalper and grid trader with multiple built in indicator sets for market reversal precise detection and special algorithms for the highest accuracy on its compatible low timeframe (M15) causing higher trading activity with faster profits as in the backtests and live trading performance results.
Currency Pairs GBPUSD and EURGBP
TimeFrame M15.
78 total votes.
Last Updated On: Tues, 8 Aug 2017
Forex Earth Robot incorporates a powerful money management strategy and tends to look for high-quality available positions around the clock conserving optimum gains supported by minimum risk, it works will any MT4 platform no matter what the broker is.
Currency Pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD and EURGBP
TimeFrame M5.
324 total votes.
Last Updated On: Tues, 3 Jan 2017
Inertia Trader uses the idea of price inertia and its trading behavior is mainly based on the price momentum physical properties.
As the fundamental market principles form the core of its trading function and it doesn't trade based on past historical data, there is no need for it to be regularly optimized.
Currency Pairs EURUSD
TimeFrame M1.
58 total votes.
Last Updated On: Thurs, 2 Apr 2015
Forex IMBA uses a fixed lot size, doesn't use martingale in its trading, and has a drawdown control capability.
Currency Pairs AUDUSD and EURUSD
TimeFrame M30.
40 total votes.
Last Updated On: Fri, 27 Mar 2015
A reversal trend trader that employs a well configured group of reliable indicators to predict the exact time of the trend impending death, momentum loss and the cutting edge of a new direction of that trend.
The next step before starting a trade is to compare such an opportunity to price action for verification, this confirms an impending reversal of the trend direction.
Then the trade entry becomes so favorable and that trade is highly promising and the system puts an order.
Currency Pairs EUR/USD
TimeFrame H1.
17 total votes.
Last Updated On: Sat, 7 Feb 2015
By measuring market volatility and oscillation, accounting trends and tracking price action, the robot can use the resulting data and combine it perfectly with its settings and built in indicators as CCI, Moving Averages, WPR, and others to wipe out the majority of harmful and bad signals, what finally results in being a huge win rate system.
Vortex Trader PRO uses a MySQL database to broadcast trading signals, it trades around the clock as was proved by its live performance statements with an average win of 11 pips and average loss of 21 pips.
Last Updated On: Fri, 12 Sep 2014
A super simple twist on Keltner Channels; a tool used to identify reversals with channel breakouts and channel direction and can also be used for identifying overbought and oversold levels from another strategy that was previously created. This idea is based on a book called "How to Make Money in Commodities", by Chester Keltner. KeltnerPRO is entirely automated.
It trades using baskets with a limited amount of trades achieving good profit on average 30+ pips, the positions are entered at the bar open with dynamic StopLoss and TakeProfit values.
TimeFrame All.
221 total votes.
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